Family, above all, is my standing foundation. Ultra-violet rays of warmth allude to a fresh, beautiful day, just like a faraway sensation of desperation alludes to chaos. There are cracks in my foundation, that are just beginning to rear their ugly heads, and one comes in the form of a prima donna. Her selfish grasp on hoarding adulation while reacting with petulance to any minor inconvenience astounds me. She was introduced to my family only 3 years ago, and since then has slowly chipped away at the stability and functionality of a once serene and happy home. Like any foundation, there are always flaws & imperfections…buried secrets left in a concrete setting. Time etched into a permeable surface.
But malicious intent derived out of pure spite is a completely different flaw. This is a flaw that is permanently carved into a person’s being. This is a flaw, that no matter what family, friends, love, and giving can provide, it will always flash through with its blood stained fangs ready for the kill. This is an untreatable flaw that even the strongest of men can not heal, not even my indestructible father. It strikes me as completely odd that man of his valor can not recognize manipulation as clearly defined as she makes it. Why does it seem like women are so much more in tune with deceit and manipulation? Why is it so easy for men to be oblivious to these traits? Is it because, men, above all, just want to be a woman’s white knight, and when they see a broken woman, there is an instant need to soothe her? Where does the dismissive behavior stem from, and how do I obtain it? How can I make myself not notice when there’s agony, and only care when I am confronted with the situation and told it is there. Oh wait…I know…because I am a woman. Enough said.
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